

    06/04/2023 Morning Worship

    Description:Sunday Worship 06/04/2023 Sermon Title: The Pattern of Belief and Patience Scripture:1 Timothy 1:15-17 Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock

    Posted by First Baptist Church, Wellsboro, PA on Sunday, 4 June 2023
    Sunday Worship - 06/04/2023
    Sermon Title: The Pattern of Belief and Patience
    Scripture:1 Timothy 1:15-17
    Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock
    June 11, 2023 Morning Worship

    Sermon Title: Waging Good Warfare Scripture: 1Timothy 18-20 Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock

    Posted by First Baptist Church, Wellsboro, PA on Sunday, 11 June 2023
    Sermon Title: Waging Good Warfare
    Scripture: 1Timothy 18-20
    Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock
    06.18.2023. Sunday Worship

    Description: Sunday Worship 06.18.2023 Sermon Title: Prayer and Peaceable Scripture:1 Timothy 2:1-4 Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock

    Posted by First Baptist Church, Wellsboro, PA on Sunday, 18 June 2023
    Description: Sunday Worship
    Sermon Title: Prayer and Peaceable
    Scripture:1 Timothy 2:1-4
    Speaker: Pastor Chris Osterbrock

    June 25, 2023 Morning Worship

    Message: Christ, the Only Mediator Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:5-7

    Posted by First Baptist Church, Wellsboro, PA on Sunday, 25 June 2023
    Message: Christ, the Only Mediator
    Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:5-7
    First Baptist Church Wellsboro

    Located at 25 Central Ave, Wellsboro, PA 16901

    First Baptist Church Wellsboro All Right Reserved. Website Design and Hosting by ElectronMonkey LLC.
